
About Me

Hello! My name is Chris and I have a passionate for designing and developing technology. I started programming at the young age of 14, creating scripts for the popular online MMORPG game called RuneScape. More recently, I achieved a Masters in Big Data Technologies and progressed onto a PhD programme in Blockchain Technology. During my PhD, I had the privilege of teaching modules at Masters level at Newcastle University.

Fast forward to today, I am a seasoned Software Engineer with a huge range of skills including full stack development, creation of agents, data analysis and mobile development.The core technology stack I have worked on includes C#, NextJs, TypeScript, Chakra UI & React. I have extensive experience with Data Analysis with the programming language Python, including utilising the popular Data Science libraries such as NumPY, SkLearn & more.

In my spare time, I love keeping fit and going to the gym. I am also an avid reader and study many topics such as programming, neuroscience and psychology. My favourite books rergarding programming are Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Head First Design Patterns and the You Don't Know Javascript Series.